Empowering youth through property

Youth in Property Association

The Youth In Property Association (YIPA) is focused on transforming the property sector by increasing the active participation of young people through its Education, Employment and Entrepreneurship initiatives. YIPA is a registered SARS Public Benefit Organisation with Section 18A status and has a Level 1 B-BBEE status.

Est. March 2017

About Us

YIPA is a youth managed and driven aimed at representing, protecting and advancing the interest of these members within the property industry in terms of ownership, management and social development. The strategic intent of this organisation is to begin strengthening the participation of youth in property opportunities, in order to grow skilled labour and an entrepreneurial pool for the property industry. Our initiatives are focused on increasing youth participation in property through creating opportunities for employment, entrepreneurship and education in the property sector.

Our Partners

Launch of the Youth In Property Association

Gauteng launch of the Youth In Property Association

Events and Initiatives

Headline Sponsor

Legal Sponsor

YIPA in the News